Getting out of a funk

Hello lovelies,

Happy Sunday!! I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Mine was great, I am back in school so I am getting back in the swing of a busy schedule.

Today I wanted to talk a little about what I have been going through. Over the past few days I’ve been planning and working on creating content for the blog but I kept getting stuck. I felt like I was in a “funk,” it’s not that I was not motivated but I had been feeling uninspired and truly (if I am being 100% RAW with you guys) just going through the motions. I was like, “okay it’s Wednesday or Sunday, gotta get something up on the blog”.

I kept asking myself what is wrong with me? This is my passion why do I keep getting stuck. It was bothering me so much, it was becoming all that I could think of. Until finally I was like you know what I am going to stop thinking about this and let God guide me. I stopped allowing the thought of what I was going to post about next to consume me. Then, as I was sitting here working on homework, it came to me! And here I am sharing (through a blog post) with you guys how I got out of this funk. This was not a planned post, I did not go out and shoot cute pictures for it.

I feel like that’s the beautiful thing about this. The funk that I allowed to stress me and make me feel like I wasn’t doing things right was what actually helped me see things in a different perspective.

That’s just how life is. When we get stuck in a rut it can be so easy to dwell on it and let it consume us, but there’s also another option. You can choose to take what you are going through and allow it to be an inspiration to others.

So today, if you are going through something that you feel like you can’t get out of, I want to encourage you to take a deep breathe, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There is always a testimony that comes out of a test.

I hope this inspires you!

