How I stay positive + Fall OOTD

Hello lovelies,

Happy Sunday!! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Mine flew by! The good thing is that I am officially on Thanksgiving break! I am using this week to unwind, relax and enjoy time with loved ones <3.

The past few weeks have been very overwhelming for me. With school, work, trying to keep up with my blog and just life in general. Sometimes it gets hard to deal with so many things that life throws at you and it can be hard to stay positive through the process. Unfortunately it is impossible to avoid hardships and struggles in life but it is the process that makes us who God intended us to be. There is a season for everything in life and hard times are bound to come, the important thing is that we remain positive throughout these times.

Today I wanted to share a few tips on how I deal with difficult seasons in my life and remain positive through it all. I hope this inspires you!

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. This is highly important to maintain a happy & positive life you have to surround yourself with positive people. Whether it’s your family, friends or partner find your squad and stick to them. They will help you through the hard times.
  2. Try to focus on at least one good thing going on in your life. Don’t give your problem the attention it seeks. Instead focus on all the other amazing things going on in your life.
  3. Start your day with a positive thought. For me reading a scripture or inspirational quote every morning instantly lightens up my day. My favorite scripture to read when I am going through a tough time is Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
  4. Remember that everything lasts for a moment. I can remember many times where I thought I would never overcome a certain hardship or struggle. Now I look back and realize that if I wouldn’t have gone through that hard season, I wouldn’t be the strong person I am now.
  5. Focus on doing things you enjoy. For me hanging out with my family, going for walks with my boyfriend, going out for a cup of coffee, blogging and spending time alone to refocus helps a lot.

Also, I wanted to share this edgy & casual look with you all. It’s so comfy and perfect for Fall!



Fall Outfit
V-Neck : Target


Leather Jacket: Forever 21


Boots: JustFab